Please compare the tow pictures which were taken with back-light on the first, and forward light on the next. Which do you like better? I like photos that use the back-light on the first. That gives a fresh impression. Back-light & Semi-Back-light has the magic to make the model be shiny.
逆光を利用したポートレートを初めて撮った時の感動を、今でも忘れられません!お肌のトーンがよりソフト&明るくなります。髪が艶やかになります。そう、逆光は女性の味方なのです♡ よって、ほとんどのプロの方はポートレート等を当然のように逆光か半逆光で撮ります。
I can't forget the excitement of the first time when I took a portrait using back-light. My skin tone became softer & brighter. My hair became more shiny. Yes, back-light is the best friend for women. Most professionals use the back-light or semi-back-light for taking the portraits and so on.
Please see the picture of the sweets above. This method is also effective for food photography. The dish is more shiny and looks more delicious. In other words, back-light & semi-back-light magic is an essential element for Instagram.
ところで、逆光の下、オートモードでポートレートを撮ると顔が暗く写ってしまいます。なので、カメラをマニュアルモードにして、ISO、シャッタースピード、F値で光を調節し、顔を明るく見せる必要があります。次回のブログでは、明るさの調節についてお教えします(次回の記事、”インスタ映えならマニュアル撮影 Vol.1”へジャンプ)。以上、もし、何かご質問等ございましたら、いつでもお聞き下さい。お問合せ、お待ちしております!
By the way, when you take a portrait against the sun, your face looks dark. So you need to adjust the exposure with the camera's ISO, Shutter Speed, F number and White balance. I will teach you how to adjust the exposure in the next blog named "Manual mode recommendation". See ya!
About shionzion
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